Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Colour Theory

So today in class, and for the last 2 weeks we've been studying 'Colour Theory'.

We were asked to colour 3 different images, using only and all of the primary colours, two Complimentary colours, and two Dissonant colours.




Then we were asked to play around with 'Monochromatic' colour on Illustrator.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The 'Pen' Tool

Learing how to use 'Paths', 'Vectors', and the 'Pen tool'.

We did a Vector of a simpsons character.



Then we had to do a footy logo... I dont really know of any other team, apart for the one my parents follow, carlton.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Website Research Excersie

We had to find 12 wesbsites; 2 per category. These are my favourite 6.

1) Children - Disney Channel

2) Young Product - Angelspit

3) Up Market Fashion - British Vogue

4) Corporate - Civic Video

5) Design - Kanga Internet

6) Lifestyle - Better Homes and Gardens